For those searching for a natural skin treatment that doesn’t require laser or radiofrequency energy, microneedling is an excellent option. Available from Hidden Beauty Retreat Medspa & Laser Center in Spring, Texas, microneedling can improve multiple skin conditions at the same time. When you’re ready to explore this approach in more detail, book a one-on-one consultation online or over the phone.
Microneedling Q & A
What is microneedling?
Microneedling is a skin treatment that physically alters the structure of your skin to create beautiful and natural results. The treatment is an effective way to address:
Wrinkles and lines
Acne and acne scarring
Stretch marks
Loose skin
Textural irregularities
For men and women who want noticeable results without the use of chemicals, lasers, or surgery, microneedling is well worth consideration.
How does microneedling work?
Microneedling works by using a treatment head covered in thin, sterile needles to create hundreds of tiny punctures into the dermal layer of your skin. Those punctures stimulate your natural healing response.
Your body begins manufacturing new cells to repair the damage, including new collagen and elastin. That process plumps your skin, smoothing lines and wrinkles, and improving overall texture and tone.
While you may notice improvements right away, it takes time for the full results of microneedling to develop. You’ll see a gradual improvement in the months following your treatment as your body produces new cells. It may take multiple treatment sessions to achieve optimal results.
The team at Hidden Beauty Retreat Medspa & Laser Center goes to great lengths to research the latest aesthetic treatment platforms. RejuvapenⓇ was selected to perform consistent, reliable, and effective microneedling treatments. The system allows for adjustable needle length to customize sessions and has an excellent safety track record.
Am I a good candidate for microneedling?
While microneedling is a great option for many men and women, there are certain conditions that could suggest a different approach might offer a better fit for your needs. You may be advised to consider other options if you:
Are pregnant or breastfeeding
Have open wounds, abrasions, or cuts
Have an active infection or cold sores
Have a history of raised scarring or poor wound healing
Have used Accutane in the previous three months
During your initial consultation, you’ll discuss your full health history, which allows your provider to suggest the treatment options best suited for your specific set of needs. When you’re ready to begin, book a visit by calling the office or using the online scheduling tool.